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Re: carnivorism question

Nov 02, 1999 01:20 AM
by hesse600

On Thu, 21 Oct 1999 18:50:32 EDT wrote:

> Grigor--and has to do with substantive proofs not mere babel or references to
> writings or scriptures.  If your question was sincere, I can elaborate but I
> sense it was sarcastic.  Forgive me if I misinterpret.
> Randy
I think he was sarcastic, because many people interested in
theosophy (in whatever form) have found that proof is
difficult to find, even about truth. In fact (now the
mathematician in me takes over) not all truth is provable
according to Godel. So asking for proof is touching a raw
nerve with many of us. Is there any proof for reincarnation
that a sceptic would accept? How is even the most cincere
*rememberance* proof of reincarnation? So many other
explanations are possible. (like akasha cronicles, a divine
self that knows everything anyhow etc.)
So I am used to travel on logic, instinct and intuition,
and yes, that is risky, I may just be developing my
prejudices, but I am taking that risk, and I think many on
this list share the sentiment?

NHL Leeuwarden

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