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carnivorism question

Oct 21, 1999 02:29 AM
by WLR7D

Is there a sage out there who can answer this question:

Why is the world based upon carnivorism?  Even in a broader sense all life
depends for its sustenance on the destruction of other life.  Even
vegetarians are killers.

Why would whoever is responsible for the world create such atrocity when so
many other options would be available to someone with omnipotence.? (I
understand the balances in nature, natural selection, etc. so please don't
address just the issue of present biological balance.  I'm interested in the
motives of whoever conceived of what appears to most humans as macabre at
best.  It is of interest that the rest of creation does not seem to have
these sensitivities.)

It's hard to extract the lesson of love in creation when watching a snake
swallow a mouse,  a lion fall a baby zebra or a tarantula devouring its
sister.  Or go visit a slaghter house or a factory chicken or hog farm if you
think the packages of meat you buy come from animals that have died natural
deaths after a delightful life of browsing on amber waves of grain.

Gotta go.  There's a special on the Nature Channel about how cocodiles rip
apart wildebeests as they come to the last water hole to get a few sips
because of the drought

Thanks, Randy

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