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FW: Theos-World Re: More thoughts about monads, etc

Mar 09, 1999 07:10 PM
by W. Dallas TenBroeck

Mar 9th 1998


This posting just came to me and I thought it would be of
interest to others who read our contributions.  I found it
scientifically and mathematically difficult to grasp, and yet it
does offer a point of view that ought to be taken advantage of.

It shows how close mathematical and scientific though is growing
to the propositions that HPB gave us in THE SECRET DOCTRINE

Best wishes,

-----Original Message-----
> From:	On Behalf Of
> Sent:	Tuesday, March 09, 1999 3:21 PM
> Subject:	Re: More thoughts about monads, etc

Leon Maurer writes:

Please forgive any duplication, in case you have already seen
this, but I thought this might be of interest to ALL
theosophists.  If not... Well, that's life.;-)  If so, then I
hope it helps us realize that theosophy is still a dynamic force
in the world, and that the Secret Doctrine is still a modern work
of science that will live through the next century.
In a message dated 3/4/99 Mr. "S S" writes (in part):
>I believe Mulaprakriti is the circle in the >point-in-circle
diagram.  Initially, it appears the point is the >Absolute and
the circle Mulaprakriti.  But it also occurs to me that >when the
mineral monad (she says there is only one) forms, causing
>Mulaprakriti to pass from the undifferentiated to the
differentiated >state, then the same diagram at least presents
itself to our >consciousness.  In this case the mineral monad is
a point and the >surrounding Mulaprakriti seems to be suggested
by the circle.
>There are some things about all this which I am unable to
fathom. For
>example, are there innumerable human monads or only seven?
There seem
>to be indications of both.  If the innumerable human monads
>a further differentiation from the original seven, that explains
>problem, but then we have to ask whether these innumerable
monads are
>really monads, or whether they are "souls" (manases).
>Another, if anyone has any thoughts on this: she says that one
of the
>pralayas leaves the astral photographs undisturbed, while the
>reality disappears.  The maha pralayas apparently dissolve
> This seems to suggest that as we proceed from minor to maha
>we ascend the scale of seven kosmic principles.  If Mulaprakriti
is to
>be understood as co-eternal and co-existent with The Absolute,
then it
>would appear Mulaprakriti is not dissolved out of existence, but
>merely returned to an undifferentiated (non-atomic) state.  If
this is
>so, though, how can there be motion, which we are told persists
>during pralaya?  Also, if this means the monads cease to exist
>discrete entities within the field of Mulaprakriti, how can we
>the teaching that the karma of these monads continues?  One
>of course is that some of these teachings relate to something
>than the maha-pralaya.  If that is the case (and I think it is
>unsatisfactory solution since we would have to assume an error
>editing the SD to make this case) then the problem goes away.
>These are weaknesses in my thought experiment, which I was aware
>when I posted it.  I fully expected it to be challenged, and
>so, since I have not been able to come up with one which is 100%
>It should also be said that HPB seemed to believe the
maha-pralaya is
>a MYSTERY which we cannot, ex hypothesi, hope to penetrate.  It
>be, then, that at this level we are not intended to understand.


Maybe we could think of it this way?
HPB said that motion never ceases, and that even the Absolute can
be considered as "abstract motion."  If so, and if it's motion
alone that carries experiential information (in the form of
holographic interference patterns, perhaps), then, no matter what
pralaya we talk about, the mother/father field that gave it birth
would still exists, and we can assume that the experiential
information tied up in its initial motion (akashic energy) also
continues to exist throughout that pralaya.
Since there are a series of descending and ascending pralayas
prior to the maha pralaya, and since each pralaya can be
considered as "a temporary retreat from manifestation" or a
"returning to the Absolute," we might also consider, then,
(according to the philosopher Mac Truong) that "the absolute is
relative and the relative is absolute."  This conforms with HPB's
statement that the idea of "eternity" is also relative...  (There
is no paradox, since the total time of any manvantara can be
considered eternity from our point of view...  Just as any self
existent perfection beyond the possibility of measurement or
perception on any level of our consciousness can be considered as
The Absolute, then, would be "relative" depending on our point of
view, since it would always be outside any "space" we would be
considering it from.  While relativity would be "absolute" in the
sense that all observers would always be at the immovable center
of everything else-since, they are always at the common, "non
local" zero-point which observes everything from within
outward...  Just as we observe the outer world from the
zero-(laya) point within our own heads.
>From a scientific point of view, awareness, then, could be
considered a
fundamental attribute of the zero-point... With consciousness
(memory, mind)
being the characteristic of the inner fields adjacent to the
positive pole of
the surrounding primal "mother" field... While matter (form,
mass) would be
the characteristic of fields adjacent to its negative pole.  This
how everything in the universe could have latent consciousness...
Only waiting
to be experienced in varying degrees-as nature slowly evolves the
bioneurological forms necessary to act as intermediary image
between the various levels of the material fields and the
fields.  This biological evolution could be carried out through
the medium of
holographic *morphogenetic fields* (that are linked resonantly to
each other
through the non-local zero-point) as described by Rupert
Sheldrake in his
book, _A New Science of Life_
Accordingly, since the motionless zero-point center of any field
can carry no information, and since all surrounding energetic
vibrational patterns carrying information must eventually run
down at the end of "parabrahm's life," it would appear that the
final mahapralaya would have its memory wiped clean (from the
point of view of its previous mahamanvantara).  But, since
everything always starts from zero... And between zero and one
there must always be infinite divisions-who are we to say what
information patterns can be retained through Brahma's after death
states-let alone Parabrahm's?  Maybe the old teachers were wise
to say we shouldn't speculate too deeply on the nature of the
absolute-which must contain both the ultimate simplicity and the
infinite complexity which are beyond the understanding of finite
Cantor's mathematics or set theory speculates that there can be
an infinite set of infinities... And, post quantum cosmological
physicists speak of multidimensional universes held together by
"strings" in the form of "bubbles" and "membranes"-linked by
quantum fields and governed by indeterminacy, etc., etc.
So, I think we should leave such mind boggling ideas about
"pralayas", or what came before the first primal emanations, to
confound the mathematicians and the post-quantum physicists.  (As
theosophists, it's good to know that both science and mathematics
might eventually verify the existence of these sub-quantum fields
and thus confirm all theosophical ideas.)  But, in any event, I
don't think it will be too long before HPB will be totally
vindicated-especially since science is now up against a brick
wall trying to explain conscious experience by empirical methods.
It won't be long before they give up and accept some form of
holographic field theory that is now beginning to come into the
mainstream.  All such theories (including my <A
C</A> theory) have been presaged in the SD-as was all the new
post classical scientific theories that have developed since
Einstein first intuited E=mc^2 from the SD.
n.html</A> >
But, as theosophists, we certainly can speculate on the nature of
manifestation between pralayas.
The first step is to understand how the energy carrying all the
information of previous manvantaric experience, absorbed during
the pralaya, emanates out of the relative Absolute at the
beginning of each new manvantara.
One way to visualize this, is to imagine a 3-dimensional sphere
containing 7 layers, "shells," or inner spheres of descending
frequency orders of energy-ranging from the almost infinitely
fast spiritual vibrations (consciousness) at the positive pole to
the slowest material vibrations (matter) at the negative pole...
With each such "field" forming a 3-cycle endless triple field
loop spinning around a "ZERO-POINT" (which is everywhere).  Thus,
this Zero-point (or "laya-point"), having complete stillness or
non-motion in itself, would represent pure *inertia* or "tamas".
The initially pure fields of eternal harmonious spin-motion
around it would represent "sattva".  And, the intelligent
"electrical" energy carried by these endlessly spinning fields
would be one of the fundamental natures of FOHAT-representing the
*active* basis of force, or "rajas".  A corresponding analogy can
be seen in the spherical magnetic lines of force endlessly
circulating (in and out of its two opposite poles) through and
around the Earth.  This pattern could also be pictured as
circulating in and through any bar magnet and represents the
perfect balance of attractive and repulsive forces related to any
similar fields-including the analogous fields constituting each
of the seven fold natures of man, those of the "Builders" or
Dhyan Chohans, as well as those of the entire cosmos itself.
We can imagine that this "zero-point" around which these fields
spin is dimensionless, motionless, takes up no space, and is
everywhere.  Therefore, each such hyperdimensional spherical
field would appear, when expanded, as if it were spinning around
its own zero-point-which, in turn, would *appear* to be separated
from other zero-points within an apparently measurable distance
in space.  (Could that be related to the "illusion" of Maya, or
separation, spoken of by the Vedantans?)
Not only is each such commonly derived 3-dimensional field
spinning around its own zero-point (HPB calls them "laya points"
since they always retain their own individual identity)--but,
each polarized sub field is always part of a pair of fields that
touch their "mother" or surrounding field at its outer
"zero-points" (which are the center points of even larger mother
fields, etc.  Thus all fields are energetically linked to each
other through the chain of zero points at both their center and
their circumference-with one pole of every spherical field being
positive and the other negative.  These polarities are simply
based on the direction of motion of the field lines of force as
they enter and leave their spherical forms.  This accounts for
the characteristic of like poles repelling and unlike poles
attracting. (See " <A
hakrafield .html">chakrafield diagram</A>" at the web site shown
Since there is no way to imagine this structure when completely
compressed into the Absolute zero-point-as that is a
non-dimensional "emptiness" having no being, (although still a
"beness") and existing outside of our highest spiritual
consciousness-we can pick it up, however, at the first "moment"
after initial expansion or awakening.   For our present
manvantara, scientists (seeing only the last and material
evolution) would call this, "the first "moment" of inflation
(Hubble Time) after the big bang".  Cosmologists would call it
"the 'basin' of the time cone."  Patanjali might call it the
"ultimate division of time."  I would say, it's the time it takes
the initial pralayic spin-energy to radially move from the primal
zero-point to complete the first 3 cycle spherical field of
consciousness (or spiritual) energy.  This might be considered as
the time it would take to complete the first manifest form.
Pythagorus would say "the Universe geometrizes" from that moment
Interestingly, the 6 directions of space emanating from any
initial zero-point would confirm this.  The primary geometric
form superscribed on its 3 center crossed polar axes, (Up-Down,
N-S, E-W) and inscribed within the first emanated spherical
field-would be the six-pointed "diamond" or octahedron.  Thus,
the "diamond heart" (the shape if the carbon and the silicon
crystal) is the geometrical root of all subsequent form, and
carries within it, as does the "triune sphere," every symbol of
fundamental truth used by every religion and mystical teaching
since the beginning of TIME.  It not only contains the entire
root of Euclidean and Pythagorean geometry-point, line, triangle,
cube, tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron, dodecahedron, etc.,
but also the root of all later non Euclidean geometries related
to 3-dimensional space, and the multi-(or hyper-)dimensional
spaces within and around it.
All these spherical fields within fields ("wheels within wheels"
as the Ancient Brahmin Masters might say) are very difficult to
imagine-as our minds are only trained to visualize in two
dimensions... Therefore, as a study aid, I have made a simplified
cross sectional diagram of this multidimensional spherical energy
flow-along with theosophically correlative labels-which enables
us to visualize the following characteristics: (See the
"chakrafield diagram" at:
chakrafield.h tml</A> )
1)	How all flows of energy in each successive hyper-field or
sub-field, originates or emanates out of primal spin around (and
passing through) what is essentially the same primal zero point.
2)	How the "lines of force" of all spin energies, from the most
subtle consciousness fields to the most gross material fields
follow an endlessly repetitive path around and through each field
in a manner identical to every other field.
3)	How each successive field frequency order grows out of the
initial mother sphere of spinning lines of energetic force-which
can contain or encompass (based in its fundamental cyclic nature
governed by both stillness and motion) all the holographic image
interference patterns describing the entire universal evolution
previously experienced by all the latent zero point
individualities of every potential being.
4)	How the process of evolutionary growth is self replicating ad
infinitum-through the interpenetration of all fields through
their zero-points-and how this energy flow might symbolically
reflect itself in the structure and code of the DNA molecule.
("As above, so below")
5)	How each sub-field radiating out of its mother/father field's
zero-point center reflects its own zero-point center which is an
exact mirror image of the primal zero-point center.
6)	How the fundamental laws of cycles and periodicity are
maintained by the endless flow of the initially expanded,
inflated or emanated lines of spinning energies ("spinergies").

We can look at it this way: (referring to the diagram)
Imagine or visualize that the primal outer shell of spinning
energies, containing 6 inner shells of geometrically (but not
energetically) identical spinergies, represents the manifested
universe in its seven aspects or principles.  When the universe
goes into pralaya each of these seven layers collapse into their
zero-point-sacrificing all their metric spatial dimensions-but
not losing any angular momentum or vectorial energy.  The
resulting *condition* of absolute harmony is represented solely
as "abstract spin" on an infinite number of rotational axes
around a stationary zero-point of no dimensional characteristic.
Since the previous expanded spin-energy-created dimensional
fields of vibrations were capable of being modulated with image
information (in the form of holographic interference patterns),
these patterns would also still remain in the "seven layers" of
the "relatively absolute" zero-point spinergy after collapse into
pralaya.  In scientific terms related to our material sphere,
this would be analogous to the invisible compressed
electromagnetic energy circulating within the circumference
surrounding a black hole"... Or, in theosophical cosmological
terms, it could be described as "the eternal parent wrapped in
her seven invisible robes..." (see: Book of Dzyan, stanza 1)
Each layer (robe, or field frequency order) then, would
experience it's own pralaya. And, after all successive layers
have resolved themselves into harmonious wholes and gone to their
individual pralayas, the entire mother/father containment field
would collapse into its mahapralaya... All, occurring in the
exact reverse order of the initial inflation into sequential
minor manvantaras and their ultimate mahamanvantara.
Remember, however, that Brahma has cycles of days, months, years
and lifetimes, even as we do-and that each of these great cycles
can be considered to pass through both a series of progressively
longer manvantaras and pralayas and ultimate mahapralayas, etc.
But, how can we know how many lifetimes Brahma has before its
"Universe" goes into its maha-mahapralaya?  Can there EVER be an
end-or beginning-if the Universe can be considered as ETERNAL in
ANY of its relatively absolute and absolutely relative states?
According to this picture of how primal energy cycles work, and
based on the Master's teaching that abstract motion never ceases,
"emptiness must always lead to "fullness"-and vice versa.
Therefore, any meditation and visualization on the formation of
these "coadunate but not consubstantial" fields and their
relationships to each other can proceed to any degree of
complexity or be reduced to any simplicity desired.  (But, I
would take HPB's advice and not try to go beyond the planetary
solar system level when considering pralayas or manvantaras.)
The rest of such considerations about the origin and evolution of
these fields and their correlations, correspondences and
relationships to consciousness, mind and matter may be deduced by
scientifically minded theosophists through further meditation.
It may also help to refer to my preliminary notes at:
That's how I see the Secret Doctrine correlated with a new
postmodern and post quantum scientific paradigm... One, that is
entirely consistent with all previous expressions of classical,
modern and postmodern physics.  Not only does this
graphical-energy concept of field generation and organization
help explain the nature and evolution of monads, unity of all in
all, rounds, globes, races, pralayas and manvantaras, the seven
principles of man and the universe-and verifies by analogy and
correspondence the principles and operation of the fundamental
laws of nature-but it also shows us the interconnections and
interdependence of the various "coenergetic" fields and their
non-local linkages with the zero-point centers of "awareness"
(and of "Will") that enables us to better understand the
"psychical powers latent in man," along with our abilities to
achieve alternate states of consciousness.
When Science will someday acknowledge that this self-replicating,
globular, coenergetic field structure is the fundamental
framework of the universe, as well of the cause of its evolution,
those who follow scientists as their gurus will begin to accept
the teachings of HPB-and her life's work may finally be
As an attempt to include in the "synthesis of science, religion
and philosophy" a valid (imaginable) alternative scientific
paradigm that links ancient science with both the classical
science (referred to by HPB) and the modern science that has
evolved since Einstein's E-mc^2--I hope I've presented these
"food for thought" ideas clearly enough so as not to confuse too
many beginning or intermediate students of the Secret Doctrine.
I would be interested in any comments or suggestions, and all
questions would be welcome.
Best wishes,


Copied by Dallas TenBroeck for reading and studying

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