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Re: A New Foundation

Oct 25, 1997 09:50 AM
by Bart Lidofsky wrote:
> Secondly like theos-xxxxx (unlike other moderated=censored mail lists) it is
> totally uncensored and almost anything goes and I can't even dream that
> either Dr. Bain or John Mead ever thinking of throwing out anyone for
> anything (except for any illegal or criminal activity). It is this freedom
> or fear of action from the list owner that makes the theos-xxx and ti-l such
> a free forum where everyone is free to discuss anything they want to. Of
> course those who are used life long to controlled environment may not like
> such a free environment and may even be afraid of it.

	I can certainly imagine reasons, but it would not be because of simple
disagreement. For example, let's say someone sent 100 messages a day
saying, "You are all going to rot in hell unless you accept Jesus as
your personal savior." The repetitive messages would render the list
unreadable. Then comes the tough call.

	Bart Lidofsky

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