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Re: A New Foundation

Oct 24, 1997 07:36 AM
by ramadoss

At 10:22 PM 10/22/97 -0400, Dr. A.M.Bain wrote:
>Plus').  All just waiting there for the price of a phone call.  So who
>needs to pay $30 or even $10 to an increasingly anachronistic
>institution?  Those of us on the internet have this great mailing list
>(thanks again to the foresight and enterprise of John Mead!) where we
>can discuss theosophical ideas, controversies - whatever we will, and
>from any part of the world where there is internet access.


In the USA, they did not stop with the annual dues. There is an additional
fees (not a donation) charged for those regular dues paying members who want
to join the the "National Lodge". Of course this is purely optional. And of
course there is always the usual justification of how we need to recover the
costs etc. etc.

The work done by various parties/organizations to make more of the
Theosophical Texts available on line (for free -- yes no dues, no access
charges, nothing real or hidden cost) is very commendable when the largest
TS group - when it looks like TSA (Adyar) is asleep on this critical issue
and may be missing the boat once and for all.

The more I see it, more I feel that the future of TS is looking very good
only because of Internet (just look at the falling membership with no end in
sight and closure of branches) and it is the saviour to spread the msg. I am
sure the Real Founders are watching all this and with the hope of seeing a
better world tomorrow.


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