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Re: Digest 1289

Oct 21, 1997 04:31 PM
by ramadoss

At 11:14 AM 10/21/97 -0400, you wrote:

>I agree 100 % to that what you write but I have  questions concerning
>According to HPB literature Krishnamurti was once asked to help
>a deeply hurted  clearvoyant woman who lost all her six sons in wars.
>She came to him and asked why this had happend to her because she
>herself was not able to "see" it. He answered that the cause was that
>she had killed some ants 51 incarnations ago.
>I consider this answer fist to be heartless, second there still is the
>wrong believe of "cause and effect" and third 51 incarnations ago
>to me does not sound very true. What surely worked here is that
>Kirshnamurti with this answer is able to gain some power on the
>cost of the poor women and maybe presses her deeper down then
>she might have felt before she went to meet him.

I have just posted the above to listening-l so that someone will be able to
identify the quote. I am seriously interested in finding more about when and
where it happened. Will let you all know when I receive a feedback.

In the listening-l there are quite a few subscribers with access to the
CD-ROM of K's Works and also there are many who have extensive knowledge
about K's statements and writings.


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