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Re: Foundation

Oct 21, 1997 11:01 AM
by ramadoss

At 03:42 PM 10/20/97 -0400, you wrote:
>M K Ramadoss wrote:
>> It is my normal practice that on very important matters like this, I go to
>> the very top. It was a formal request by a dues paying member to the elected
>> head of the organization. I think the top elected official has the
>> responsibility to respond. Also the request was put in writing and in a
>> couple of followup letters/msgs, I did remind the National President about
>> his being silent.
>	That does not sound like John, but I have no reason to doubt your word.
>In any case, a good general rule is that when you wish something of an
>organization, you first ask the person whose job it is to have the
>information, and then, if you're not satisfied, you go to the top. And
>Floyd is pretty much in charge of keeping track of financial matters for
>the Society.
>	Bart Lidofsky

I think different people are used to different approaches.

Thanks again.


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