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Re: Good-bye for a while

Oct 19, 1997 06:23 PM
by libidia

Dear A Safron,  you wrote:
> I'm going to be absent for a while as I have to deal
> with some other things in my life.
I'm glad to break my silence to say au revoir and wish you and your
husband the best of health, wealth and happiness in the future until you
write again.

I have read your comments with much interest for some time now and you
have contributed to my learning process.  

You may be interested to hear that I have stopped feeling sorry for
myself and am getting some of my old energy back.  Almost as soon as I
did that, people started to call and visit me again.  I am taking things
more slowly and pensively and trying to listen much more than talk.  But
the main thing is I am giving myself a lot of love.  I wish that for
Thanks a lot and take good care.  Annette.

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