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Re: The New Adepts

Oct 14, 1997 06:36 AM
by Bart Lidofsky wrote:
> Bart wrote:
> >       As I stated, once a group monad is formed, a system, eventually
> >becoming a "chela" system, must be devised to avoid traitors. For the
> >group monad that I described to be formed in the first place, there
> >cannot be any traitors.
> Some "traitors," as history shows, have been invaluable to the progression
> of the world's inhabitants.  What exactly do you consider a "traitor" to be?
> And, what "system" would you recommend to guarantee that "there cannot be
> any traitors?"

	A) A "traitor", in this case, is a member of the group whose actions
cause the deterioration of the group monad.

	B) I am not an Adept, nor well on the road to becoming one. The
Mahatmas, however, give some hints as to how their "system" works.

	Bart Lidofsky

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