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Re: The New Adepts

Oct 14, 1997 06:44 AM
by Bart Lidofsky

Nicole Suter wrote:
> To Bart Lidofsky: "The key to such a group surviving is the ability of all
> to drop their egos at the door, and to be able to pick them up again on
> their way out."
> According to my little experience I would   n e v e r   "drop my ego
> at the door" of  a group considering this to be too dangerous. Each
> group (whether spiritual, religious or simply one to share jokes) has
> a collective unconsiousness which of course raises positive "energies"
> but also does the contrary and especially here my self needs its ego for
> protection.

	This is why a group where the danger does not exist is so rare. And
about the only way that a significant number of these groups can form
over the same period of time is if there is a tremendous amount of cross
pollenization, until the right group meets. From extrapolating from the
Mahatma Letters, a group that makes it all the way only gets formed once
every few centuries; it is my opinion that the knowledge and concepts
publicized by the TS has greatly speeded up this process.

	Bart Lidofsky

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