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Power of the Internet

Oct 14, 1997 06:04 AM
by A. Safron

I know Doss will love this:

Recently, a popular science fiction show named
Babylon 5 was dropped by its syndicated network.(UPN)
It would  have been its last season anyway, since the
writer had only planned 5 years worth of the serial.

Well, the show was picked up by TNT on cable.
Joe Straczynski, writer and creator of Bab5, passed the
word via newsgroups and mailing lists that we
all email Turner and tell him that we are all
ecstatic.  I joined the throng in the cyberrush
and got a very nice email back from TNT.

They are also planning Babylon 5 movies now,
too, now that they know they have a rabid (like me)
fan base.

Just another example of the power of the internet.

A. Safron

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