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Digest 1270

Oct 08, 1997 07:57 AM
by Nicole Suter

To Keith: "Not to get to far afield, but Zechiraih Sitchen has gained
notice by extending
> the CHAIROT OF THE GODS theory to Absynnian scrolls who only he (it
>seems) can
> read accurately.  He concludes that we are a laboratory - a petrie dish of
> humanity - growing like a culture of bacteria for advanced beings who return
> every millenium or so to check how we are evolvoing.  The Masters might be
> their secret agents.  Oh, how the romantic imagination can spin ....! :)
> may be alien to us if they are operating on the buddhic and atmic levels
> could be dimensions enfolded withour current 3(or 4) dimensional perception."

When I read this, it makes my stomach feel sick. Why does it seem its only he
that can read it accurately?

Nicole Suter

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