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Evolution of Matter

Dec 16, 1996 03:34 PM
by James S Yungkans

In searching for newer examples of a "theosophical" model for Cosmognenesis
I came across the writings of D.S.Mahalanobis in the Indian journal "Ananda
Varta."  The model he presents is of the following nature:

   (7) Avyakta : "Unmanifested Primordial Stuff"  (Mulaprakriti?)

   (6) Akasa-1 : "Non-Atomic Matter" or Aether
        This matter is energized by Parispanda (PARanIShPANna?) and, by
        combining with this force, creates Akasa-2.  Parispanda is defined
        as "a whirling or rotary motion potentially inherent in Akasa.

   (5) Akasa-2 (Kinetic) : Ether, associated with Sabda ('Sound' principle)
        This form of matter is said to manifest itself as Sabda (or Sound
        principle. To quote Mahalobis "All that happens in this first phase
        of evolution is that Parispanda, energized out of it's state of
        equilibrium (or Laya?), creates an atomic field in the original space
        continuum, to serve as the base for future evolution.  This atomic
        base is the finite cosmic space that we know...

        Now, what is this 'sound'?  And how can it be the property of Akasa.
        This 'sound' is not what we hear, nor is akasa, original or derivative
        the same that we call sky or the stary heaven.  Sabda is the basic
sound due to the circular motion of Parispanda in the original akasa
        which is thus made cognizable as akasa-2 in this area of parispandic
        activity...all such motion, to [the ancients] were sounds...they
        reserved the name sabda, 'sound' for the most refined category, i.e.
        the oroginal sound associated with akasa-2; the rest are sounds too,
        but a modes of the original.  They are secondary sounds.  The
        difference should be noted, between out conception of sound and that
        of the ancients."

   (4) Vayu (Tactile/Tangential) : AIR, associated with Sparsa ('Contact'
        This is described as having linear motion, compared to the rotational
        motion of akasa. "Vayu, from Va (to blow) literally means that which
        blows...The term vayu resresents non-periodic motion energy and not
        air, a mechanical mixture of gasses, as is often is
        kinetic energy that drives air in it's course.  Tactile energy is
        subtler even than light; it is evolved as an earlier product and is
        one grade more rarified."

   (3) Tejas (Vibrational) : FIRE, associated with Rupa ('Luminosity'
        "It is the energy of Heat and Light..Vibration is a periodic motion but
        it is not called kinetic by the ancients since, according to them, it
        is a different energy energy."  This appears to be a "Spiral" form of
        motion which if viewed in 2 dimensions, and viewed along it's axis,
        would present a "wave-like" appearance.

   (2) Ap (Differential) : WATER, associated with Rasa ('Affinity' principle)
        Defined as "Attraction and Repulsion (ref Bailey's attraction/repulsion
        law?) Mahalanopis states "Ap at bottom is the urge of new creation.
        This urge comes from Rasa, 'afinity', which is the dominant constituent
        in Ap."

   (1) Kshiti (Matter) : EARTH, Associated with Gandha ('Gravitation')
        this is the final form defined in the model. "Matter being nothing but
        congealed radiation travelling at less than normal speed...bottled up
        waves, which we call matter, and unbottled waves, which we call

The above model appears to agree somewhat with the sequence presented by HPB
in SD1 Stanza III:8   the Germ is THAT
                        and THAT is LIGHT...
           III:9                LIGHT is Cold flame         (Rupa:Luminosity)
                                      and flame is Fire     (Tejas)
                                       which produces Heat    (Vibration)
                                       which yealds water   (Ap)

Has anyone seen this model in other literature, and where would one find it.
The materials I'm working from date to 1965-1967.  Any information would be

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