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Re: Repartee versus substance

May 07, 1996 05:24 PM
by Kelly Yi

     Universal Brotherhood means to realize the interdependence of all
beings and things in the entire universe and cosmos;  to realize every
single thought and action has an effect on the whole as a whole.  We have
to stop identifying with parts of the whole in just the manifest realm.
It actually would be more appropriate to negate the idea of Universal
Brotherhood and simply identify with the wholistic Being of
manifest and unmanifest creation as It Is in the Present Moment
in its totality.  We should realize that "i" as individual entity always
exists in a larger context and *never* outside of that context.  Thus, "I"
should represent the Totality, rather than a part of the whole that is
ripped out of context by thought.  So Universal Brotherhood should not
imply simply seeing beings as *other* beings which are your brothers but
seeing all as part of One's Self.  If this is truly contemplated, it will
hold true even for an atheist.

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