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Re: more responses from Alexis

Apr 28, 1996 07:46 AM
by Blavatsky Foundation

Alexis writes:

> I don't "razor blade" things I'll leave
>censorship to folks like you.

And how do you know what I censor?  I probably hate censorship more than you do.
I work in a library and would get my feathers really ruffled if someone came
in and tried
to get some of our books taken out of the collection because the books
weren't "proper", etc.
I believe that people should have access to a whole array of differing
points of view.  Marion Meade's book on HPB is right on the shelf at our
library with Sylvia Cranston's HPB biography.  I like that.  Interested
persons can read both, if they so choose, and see
different viewpoints on HPB.

> What I agree with are her views on
>religion, on questioning authority (which is why I bother you so much

One of the reasons I like HPB and her writings is because she questions
authority!   And do you think I naively believe what HPB writes?  Believe
what you will.  But if I question what
you write it is not because it "bothers" me.  It is to draw you out.  To get
you to state in
explicit terms and with details what you mean by some of your generalized
statements.  Maybe Chuck or Jerry S. can directly read your mind.  I
can't--- so I ask questions even if
you think they are aimless.  Yet it seems that when I ask you questions or
when I ask you
for more details or for your evidence or for your reasoning, instead of
focusing on the
 subject under discussion, you instead focus on the personal and make
some condescending (?) remark.  Fine.  Okay.

Now another subject.  For example, concerning your statement that HPB was a
Does this statement "bother" me.  No, why should it?  If she was gay, then
so be it.  Liesel
and JRC say they don't care.  Oh, it's a boring subject!  But since I am a
student of her life,
I don't find the subject boring.  And by asking you to tell me more about
how you know she
was gay, I was hoping you would simply give some of the details about the
subject.  Why make the general statement in the first place, if you are so
unwilling to provide the details?
I'm not saying that your grandfather was lying about it.  All I wanted to
know was under what circumstances did he know that she was a lesbian?  When
did he know her?  And a dozen other questions!  Any good historian would
also ask such questions.

> I believe in the kind
>of open minded attitude she brought to everything (the kind you certainly
>don't possess). I enjoy the spirit of fun she brought to all the things she
>did. (Once again unlike you)

Again here are your personal jabs!  I hope you are enjoying them. : )

And then you sign your posting:

>I think even you will take my meaning when I sign myself formally:

>H.S.H. Alexis Alexandreivitch, Prince Dolgorukii of Uriev

Possibly you have signed this in jest?  A Chuckism? or is it a Chuckle-ism?

Hoping for more details,


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