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Re: Rigidity/Flexibility

Apr 22, 1996 10:05 PM
by JRC

Hey! RI!
A positively *smashing* post ol' chap. Am writing something similar just
now but from a different angle (about the "Brotherhood" letter).
Relatively the same notion, tho' painted on a slightly larger canvas ...
	in brief terms, I think *far* too much is made of "kissy kissy
lovey lovey" "Brotherhood". If all it took was just being "nice" to one
another, our race would have achieved peace a long time ago. For millenia
people have preached "brotherhood", every religion contains it as a core
- but we sure don't have it. I s'pect a good reason is because the
*application* of the notion has always been construed to mean *become
blind to differences* - in a lower form this means simply pretending they
don't exist and maintaining a purely surface appearance (little more than
a mimicing) of "harmony", and in a higher form it has people goin' nuts
trying to alter *themselves* so as to no longer feel any *response* to
their differences with others.
	I actually believe, however, that not only is this, even at its
best, an attempt to *replace the heresy of separateness with the *illusion*
of brotherhood*, but is actually based on a deep mistake as to what this
thing called "brotherhood" actually is *in pratice*, and will never be
able to be permanently maintained even when it is temporarily produced
(and about three millenia of history seems to support this (-:).
	Actually reading the ML is a very curious experience - we see a
glimpse not only of their ideas, but of the practical manifestation of
them ... tiny glimpses of the *relations between beings who have achieved
this "brotherhood" thing*. And we actually see them, even at that stage,
occaisionally *disagreeing with one another*. We also catch a glimpse of
powerful beings, who might even be said to be, in their own way,
	That is, apparently as a being *matures spiritually*, it does not
necessarily mean the person becomes infinitely *permeable*, and willing
to either ignore differences *or* completely re-adjust their own core
vibration to produce the *appearance* of "brotherhood", rather it seems
to mean that *in relation to their own core*, they have merged inner
divinity and outward expression to produce a fully autonomous being, and
*in relation to others and the larger world*, they have understood *where
their particular and unique vibratory radiation fits into a larger picture*.
	That is (to use a phrase from a book I'm writing (-:) - the
vision of our final harmony is *not* that of the whole lot of us blending
into some sort of homogeneous collective mush, but rather of a *galaxy of
brilliantly shining stars* - "brotherhood", then, *not* meaning some
final agreement on a single "correct orbit", but a condition in which
every being shines with their own light, *and has discovered their own
	This "brotherhood" thing is a much *much* more difficult thing to
achieve than it appears at first glance. But I agree with you that,
curiously enough, perhaps it is the very thing the list is critisized for
that is actually the sign that the TS has begun the *actual work* -
though the formal organizations still are mostly concerned with inducing
the "collective mush" model, on theos-l exists both the discussion of
"personal" paths, and the many roads by which individuals may begin to
"shine with their own light", as well as (and perhaps most importantly)
real, unfiltered, balls-to-the-wall battles between people with
powerfully held beliefs, some of which are more than beliefs generated
(IMO) from the "personality" levels, but actual first articulations of
the essential unique vibration of the monads *through* the personalities.
	Some of the battles almost look like planets colliding - but in
doing so, the *collision* may appear to be "unbrotherly", but the final
*resolution* does not come about when the combatants both *agree on a
single orbit*, but when, *because of the battles themselves, both people,
in striving to articulate what they really mean, have come to much
greater clarity about what their own unique orbits are*. And if (as may
often be the case), the original *reason* for the collision had to do
with a lack of understanding of the orbits, a lack of certainty
(producing a wobble in the orbit) in the orbiters, then it is the
willingness to engage in the collisions that is the actual *work* of
"brotherhood" - and when a resolution between such combatents is reached,
be it a small difference or a large one, that resolution is composed of
two planets that have become much clearer in their own orbits, and will,
*as an aftereffect* not collide with one another ... but will possibly
permanently simply have different perspectives on everything (as mars and
venus will always both have a slightly different view of the earth).
Such, then, is a "brotherhood" that actually, in practice, *can* be
permanent; in fact it appears to be what the "hierarchy" has achieved.
The work the big spooks do seems not premised upon all of them from *one
point of view*, but of a variety of different perspectives held by fully
autonomous and powerful beings.
	The difference between their kingdom and ours possibly being that
	1) They no longer confuse the adjustment of their denser vehicles
to adapt their core vibrations to particular situations with the
fluctuations of the impulses generated *by* those denser vehicles, and
	2) They no longer "wobble" in their orbits ... neither thinking
*their* orbit is the "one true" orbit, nor able to be knocked out of it
by anyone else.

	I believe humanity, when it has strived for "peace" or
"harmony", or "brotherhood", has virtually always been pursuing it based
(whether overtly or unconsciously) on the "collective mush" model of
resolution ... which really *can* only be temporary, because it is based
on the *falsehood* that at the core we are all the same. If at the core
we are all utterly unique, then the *model* of "brotherhood" must be one
that does not ignore that, but rather attempts to discover what the
picture of billions of unique beings *each a point of powerful radiation*
achieving harmony within a larger system looks like (I personally like
the "galaxy" image (-:) - and the *process* of achieving it can not be
one where we all become more and more perfect at *denying* profound
differences exist, but one in which, at least at times, seems to greatly
intensify awareness of those differences ... appears to be the very
epitome of anything *but* "brotherhood".
	The old Greeks did not claim love to be the highest virtue - but
rather, *courage* ... saying that without courage no other virtue is
really possible. I think, perhaps, that the attempt to actually *work*
towards the First Object takes a tremendous amount of courage. And,
though I do not see the formal TS organizations possessing that courage
(and in fact think them trying to resolve the "uniqueness" problem either
by trying to dominate the "solar system" with a few specified "correct"
orbits, or attempting to pretend individuals do not even exist, let alone
have any disputes) - I *do* think that on this list I've seen a glimpse
of what the *actual* manifestation of a "nucleus of a universal family of
humanity" might look like, not as an ideal, but as a fully actualized
			Ta ta, you patronizing bastard (-:), -JRC

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