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Re:theosophy & psychism

Apr 18, 1996 08:49 AM
by Blavatsky Foundation

JRC writes:

>One can enter the corpus of HPB's writings and find support for a very
>wide variety of different perspectives.And (as the old argument that I
>won't get into either goes) ... while she said a bunch of stuff about
>Adeptship, she also possessed, took the trouble to develop, and used, a
>considerable arsenal of "psychic" abilities.

JRC, could you give us three or four examples of quotes from HPB that
support different
perspectives [on the psychic??]?

What is your point when you write:  > while she said a bunch of stuff about
>Adeptship, she also possessed, took the trouble to develop, and used, a
>considerable arsenal of "psychic" abilities.

The Mahatmas *trained* HPB and the following quotes from their letters also
indicate her special position in relation to the Mahatmas:

"...imperfect as may be our visible agent---and often most unsatisfactory
and imperfect she is---yet she is the best available at present...."  ML-2

"This state of hers is intimately connected with her occult training in
Tibet, and due to her being sent out alone into the world to gradually
prepare the way for others.  After nearly a century of fruitless search, our
chiefs had to avail themselves of the only opportunity to send out a
European *body*...."  ML-26

"[HPB is] a woman of most exceptional and wonderful endowments.   Combined
with them she had strong personal defects, but just as she was, there was no
second to her living fit for this work.  We sent her to America...."  ML-45

And as to HPB's occult training:

"She can and did produce phenomena, owing to her natural powers combined
with several long years of regular training, and her phenomena are sometimes
better, more wonderful and far more perfect than those of some high,
initiated chelas...."  ML-54

But as to the regular run of psychics and seers in HPB's time, Koot Hoomi
pens the

"Vainly do your modern seers and their prophetesses, creep into every cleft
and crevice without outlet or continuity they chance to see; and still more
vainly, when once within do they lift up their voices and loudly cry:
'Eureka!  We have gotten a revelation from the
Lord!'---for verily have they nothing of the kind.  They have disturbed but
bats, less blind
their intruders; who, feeling them flying about, mistake them as often for
angels---as they
too have wings!  Doubt is but from the very top of those
'adamantine rocks' of ours,
not at their foot, that one is ever enabled to perceive the *whole* Truth,
by embracing
the whole limitless horizon...."  ML-48

And there is much in this ML-48 on psychism.

Since we are on the subject of psychism, here is what Koot Hoomi says in a
letter  to
Laura Holloway who herself was a clairvoyant, psychic and sensitive.  This
passage has
never been published before:

"...since you have scarcely learned the elements of self-control, in
psychism, you must suffer bad consequences.  You draw to yourself the
nearest and strongest influences---often
evil---and absorb them, and are psychically stifled or narcotised by them.
The airs become
peopled with resuscitated phantoms.  They give you false tokens, misleading
deceptive images.  Your vivid creative fancy evokes illusive Gurus and
chelas, and puts
into their mouths words coined the instant before in the mint of your mind,
unknown to
yourself.  The false appears as real, as the true, and you have no *exact
method* of
detection, since you are yet prone to force your communications to agree
with your pre-
conceptions."  This letter is dated July, 1884.

And Morya also writes on psychism:

"There is one general law of vision (physical and mental or spiritual) but
there is a qualifying special law proving that all vision must be determined
by the quality or grade of man's spirit and soul, and also by the ability to
translate diverse qualities of waves of astral light
into consciousness.  There is but one general law of life, but innumerable
laws qualify and determine the myriads of forms perceived and of sounds
heard.    There are those who are willingly and others who are
*unwillingly*---blind.  Mediums belong to the former, sensitives
to the latter.  Unless regularly initiated and trained---concerning the
spiritual insight of
things and the supposed revelations made unto man in all ages from Socrates down
to Swedenborg....---no self-tutored seer or clairaudient ever saw or heard
*quite* correctly."

And KH writes:

"The world of force is the world of Occultism and the only one whither the
highest initiate goes to probe the secrets of being.  Hence no-one but such
an initiate can know anything of these secrets.  Guided by his Guru the
chela first discovers this world, then its laws...."

JRC, no doubt, you are aware of most of these quotes (and Alexis, too!).

But I quote the above  for others who may not know  what the Mahatmas wrote
on these


P.S.  Letters from the Mahatmas are referenced from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd
editions of

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