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Re: Postpone By-Laws Decision

Dec 25, 1996 04:05 AM
by liesel

>It seems like the only sensible thing to do at this point is to postpone the
>voting on the by-laws. If headquaters can let the by-laws material get "lost"
>at the printers or whatever they can postpone the elections till the
matter has
>been discussed OPENLY. If not they will at this point lose crediblity with
>the members. They can't take another scandal as what has surrounded Bing
>Keith Price
>Keith After Gerda Thompson suggested postponing the voting I asked John
Algeo whether this could be done. He said the Board would have to do it.
I had contacted John because I'm of the opinion that we can't take another
rift. We're still only partly recovered from the one which occurred around
Bing Escudero.
I myself would just as soon not take part in these revisions discussions at
all. I've had enough standing up for causes in the past & am entitled I
think to some peace in my retirment. I've tried to come in here & there
anyway because the whole thing worries me greatly. After having healed
partly from the former rift here we go again & I see the whole TS becoming
even more ineffective. Since my whole lifestyle is firmly rooted in
Theosophy and since I think we have something really worthwhile to offer to
others I hate to watch the Society the vehicle of Theosophy go down the
tubes. I think it's heading that way but I really don't know how one could
stop it since it involves more than our Board & our President it involves


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