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Glamour: A world problem

Mar 30, 1995 05:23 PM
by Keith Price

Jerry's mention of Alice Bailey's book "Glamour: A World Problem"
brings back interesting associations for me.  I rolled on the
floor laughing the first time a read the title and had to get the
book.  It sounded like something Andy Warhol would write, a
tounge-in-check look at politics perhaps, the way a soup can is
"art" crossed my mindr.

But I was quite suprised with the book and in some ways it may be
her best book, at least for me in that it is finally systematic
about the seven rays and suggests a special type of maya for each

This time the "TIBETAN" came through in a way he never really did
in books like "Esoteric Astrology" ( a completely abstruse an
unusable book, esoteric in the worst possible meaning of the term
- limited to the interest of a few kooky people who are fooling
themselves about possesing secret knowledge).

This maya of possesing secret knowledge is only one of the many
forms of maya or illusion the book delineates.  This is not a
fair synopsis of the book, but in general she or HE propounds
something like:

There is a special maya or illusion for each of the planes or
rays -

1.  physical - maya of the senses, illusion of permanence in
space and time

2.  astral - glamourous maya of sexuality and the astral plane
(channeling etc., drug use has a lot of contact with this level.
Also this might be the maya of bhakti yoga (getting attached to a
guru or cult)

3.  lower mental - maya of the "truth" of science, rationalisn,
and it's all dead matter with no spirit ( the illusion of our

4- this is the fourth ray, chakra or plane or whatever - has a
lot to do with harmony through conflict.  The maya here is the
illusion of an IDEALIST without reality or a REALISt with ideals

5 - philosophical illusion and deluded thinkind - again the
illusion that philosophy can solve world problems

6- the compassionate ray - (I forget) I think it has to do with
the final illusion concerning the syzygies, that is the final
illusion that good and bad, male and female, light and dark,
angels and demons, beauty and ugliness are inseperable

7th - the end of illusion - enlightenment where the dualities are
overcome and reality is revealed beyond the illusion of the

This is my synthesis of the book and may again is not a fair
synopsis of HER/HIS ideas, but may help in all this talk about
deluded channellers (CWL AND AAB from what some people are trying
to say).

Again I will offer a heresy - that no one, not CWL or AAB or that
Jewish woman who claims to speak as Jesus in "A Course IN
Miracles" or HPB or Sinnet or anyone gets this channeling crap
right all the time.  Most of them get some aspect pretty clearly
and them repeat themselves over and over, sometimes effectively
sometime very poorly.  A cavaet emptor could be given for all of
them, yet many have something of value and none have a corner of
the market of a pipeline to the MASTERS (IMHO).  This is more of
a minority opinion than the opinion that only HPB got it right
when speaking for KH and MM.  Yet I think most people outside the
circle of "TRUE BELIEVERS" would admit to the value of a lot of
these writings and the literal integrity of none.

I hope I still have an open mind as the real maya involves the
maya that only my interpreation of the letters, or the kabala or
whatever is valid.  Yes, glamour is a world problem and as long
as we are in the world it will be a problem.  It comes with the
territory, but what a beautiful territory sometimes.  That is one
of the reasons why I reincarnated perhaps is that I love the
glamour, what a problem!


Keith Price

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